2016 Breeding Schedule - updated 8/25/2016
DISCOUNTS: I offer a 10% DISCOUNT to show homes, 4H homes, DHI milk testing homes, Linear Appraisal herds, OR for multiple goat purchases...it's important to me that these well-bred animals go to loving homes where they can show their true potential! If you are interested in purchasing an animal please email me at [email protected] . DEPOSITS: A $50 non-refundable deposit will hold a kid of your choice until it is ready (approx. 8-10 wks old). Most 2016 kids will be for sale. Updated 2015 Sales Contract can be seen & printed here.
Camanna WR Moonlight Serenity (polled)
Serenity LA score: VEEV 88 Union: LA score VVV 87 Dam: Camanna WR Moonlight Serenity VEEV 88 Sire: Camanna BP Union Of Love VVV 87 Kidded 5/28/2016 w/twin doe's (1 retained) Doe kid available, Bellafire UL Amity, SALE,sold "Bellafire UL Amity" - tan roan colored doeling, big brown eyes, sweet & friendly. This doeling should be a very nice show quality doeling. Based on her parents I would expect this doeling to mature to have nice large, well placed teats and be a heavy milk producer in addition to being a very nice little show doe. |
Poppy Patch PB Peggy Sue 1*M
Peggy Sue LA Score: VEEV 89 Peggy Sue x Castle Rock Jasper Quilles *B Kidded Quads 5/8/16, 2 doe's, 2 wethers sold (KatyS) |
Alethia CRC Ophelia 6*M (Blue Eyes)
Ophelia LA score: +EEE 89 Bachelor Party yearling LA: VEE87 Bucks: $400 (Bucklings w/have their *B) (1st buck TR) ** Ophelia x Bachelor Party - looking to improve overall width of body & substance of bone while continuing PhiPhi's incredible milk capacity! kidded 6/7/2016 w/twin bucks, one blue-eyed chamoise (SOLD) one blue-eyed black/white, sold |
Poppy Patch HB Surfer Girl
Surfer Girl LA score: VVVV87 1st Freshener Unions yearling LA score: VVV 87 Buck SALE ,sold Wether (sold as pair w/another, sold Surfer x BP Union of Love, heavy Algedi & Rosasharn genetics, kidded 5/29, triplets, 1 doe retn'd, 1 flashy white wether (pic @ right top), 1 buckskin buck available (2 pics @ right lower) $375,sold (Union/Sire photo courtesy of Camanna Farms) |
Pholia Farm HB Macy Marie (Blue Eyes)
Macy Marie LA score: +EE+85 Hurons YS LA score: VVV - Very Good Macy Marie x Castle Rock Huron Sunset*B kidded 4/26 w/triplets, - 1 polled & blue-eyed gorgeous buckling, exact image of his daddy $400 (Sold P.Rowe) - sold - 1 darling sweet white doeling w/blue eyes & polled! $300 - sold |
Bellafire DC Sweet Alyssum 6*M
Alyssum LA score: VEEV 88 1st Freshener Bucks/Does: $375 (Bucklings will have their *B) (1st doe DP, S.Cal), 1 doe retained, 1 gorgeous buckling available $375, sold bred to Union, may have been bred by Bachelor Party, DNA testing of kids to verify sire, since she is kidding at a later date than noted on the calendar. Looks to be due in late June |
Bellafire DC Beach Bunny
Unions yearling LA score: V+V 85 **Beach Bunny x Camanna BP Union of Love (Buck photo courtesy of Camanna Farms) In w/Union 11/15-12/3, Bred 11/21/2015, due 4/14/16 Kidded 4/16/16 - 1 sweet flashy buckling, sold as wether |
Bellafire RC Macy's Milky Way
Milky Ways LA score: Not scored/broken leg Unions yearling LA score: VVV 87 Bucks/Does: $300 MiMi x BP Union of Love Linebreeding on Goodwood Tom Thumb 1.32%, heavy Rosasharn genetics in this breeding - kidded 5/29 triplets, 2 does/1 wether, Doe - sold Wether, pic right (sold as pair w/another) $150, sold |
Bellafire HH Patty Cake (Has 1 ADGA Leg)
Unions yearling LA score: V+V 85 Does/Bucks: $300 In w/Union 11/15-12/3, kidded 4/15/16 Patty Cake x Camanna BP Union of Love (Linebreeding of Honey Ima Hottie), (Buck photo courtesy of Camanna Farms) 1 beautiful flashy buckskin doe (Pic lower right)sold 1 flashy buckskin wether (sold T.L) *Freshened with a beautiful mammary system! |
Bellafire BP Flower Girl (Has 1 ADGA Leg)
Flower Girl Jr LA score: Exc Unions yearling LA score: V+V 85 Does: $300 Flower Girl x Camanna BP Union of Love (heavy linebreeding of Bachelor Party *B) Kidded 4/14/16 twins, 1 flashy brown/white doe - sold 1 flashy black/white wether -sold T.L. *Freshened with a nice mammary system! |
Castle Rock CS Sweet Pavlova
Sweet Pavlova LA score: too young Hurons Youngstock LA score: VVV - Very Good ** Sweet Pavlova x Castle Rock Huron Sunset - kidded 4/28, triplets, sadly all deceased, but she did freshen with a very beautiful mammary system. |
Gestation Calculator provided by American Goat Society
Oct = March 2016 kids Nov = April 2016 kids Dec = May 2016 kids Jan = June 2016 kids C. Jones - blue eyed, 2 doelings
Potential 2016 Shows
May 7-8th - MegaBucks & Leilia Berry 3 ring Sr. Doe show May 16th - Chehalis, WA 3 ring Sr Doe Show June 4- 5th - Salem NWODGA Jr & Sr Doe Show 4 ring June 18th (or 11th?) - Roseburg 4 ring Sr Doe show Late July - Yamhill Co Fair (4H show) Mid August - Clackamas Fair (1 ring Sr doe/non-sanctioned Jr Show) end of Aug/ early Sept - Oregon State Fair |